7 Best Mother’s Day Tips For College Students
College is the gateway to a world you’d always dreamt of as a teenager. It marks the beginning of an adulthood when you’re struggling to make your own identity. You’re busy making new friends and participating in activities that develop mostly the unexplored sides of your personality. Basically, you’re spending more time at college away from home, and also away from the one friend you ever had since your childhood- you mother.
As a college going teen, you might often run into odds with your parents over petty things like choosing how to dress-up, or hanging out longer with your friends. But you know that your mother is the person to talk to whenever you need a friendly advice about things you’re stuck with. While making new friends at the college, you must also remember to remain friends with your mother. Friendship with your mother helps you incredibly as you pursue your career and life goals.
Here’s a bunch of things you can do to strengthen your friendship with your mother this Mother’s Day!
- Go out shopping with her
Shopping is something you often best enjoy with your college friends since your tastes match the trends. Going out shopping with your mother will help you a great deal in understanding her tastes and preferences. She may recommend you things that the rest of your college friends would seldom do, as she understands you a bit more than them. Make time to go out grocery shopping with her, and you’d learn how brilliantly she has managed the provisions at your home all those years while you grew up. It will definitely help your learn some basic trading skills.
2. Be her cooking assistant
Being an adult, one of the essential skills you must have is cooking. You don’t have to wait until you finish college and arrange yourself a cooking coach to learn from. Being an assistant of your mother while she cooks not only saves you the money you’d otherwise spend on learning it from someone else, it also helps you get acquainted with a lot of her recipes that you’ve been enjoying ever since your childhood. While still at college it will help you build the confidence of going independent early. Plus, together you can explores many new dishes from YouTube.
3. Share your favourite music
Exploring brand new groovy music is the best part of being at the college. You never forget to arrange the latest music for all those parties with your college buddies. But have you ever paid attention to the kind of music your mother enjoys? You might probably have never talked about music to her. She might have always given up her choices to your adamant demands of switching to the channel you liked. But now it’s time to make up for it. You’ll have a great time sharing your favourite music with her, and also lending an ear to the music she listens when she’s alone.
4. Give her a style upgrade
You might have felt a little awkward wearing the clothes your mom bought you, thinking that they were outdated to wear to your college. How about you giving her a bit of a style upgrade? Your mother might have always felt a little reserved about trying the kind of clothes and accessories worn by the girls of your age at your college. You can encourage her to go ahead and give it a try. Best, you can yourself buy her a new garment or an accessory that would give her a sort of makeover. You can go surfing online shopping sites for some good stuff available there.
5. Help her learn new apps
While you connect with your college friends on a number of social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram, your mother might often feel left out, especially if she is not that tech-savvy. You might remember her getting annoyed every time she finds you with your phone when you’re back from college. The best way of making peace is teaching her use the apps herself. She will enjoy the apps, and also the attention and time you give to her on account of teaching. You can help her download her favourite music, and also explore some great DYI videos!
6. Help her look after herself
Of the numerous sacrifices your mother makes while trying to give you the best life, one is of her own health. You might barely remember your mother complaining of an ailment while you grew up. But, now as you’d be at your college she’d be finally able to make some time for herself. You can help her make the best of her time by looking after her health and doing the things that she likes. You can encourage her to enrol herself for fitness programs like yoga or aerobics, or just to take a full body check-up.
7. Take her to your college
If you have to be in the good books of your mother, you better not wait to take her to your college until your principal calls her over a complaint. If an occasion is all you need for that, you must read about this unique celebration held at ARMIET Engineering College every year. The college hosts the event Mathru Devo Bhava commemorating motherhood. Mothers of all the students at ARMIET are invited to attend an exhilarating celebration also attended by renowned celebrities like Swapnil Joshi and Ganesh Acharya, and personalities like IPS Officer Vishwas Nangare Patil, and social activist Sindhutai Sapkale.
When you take your mother to such a celebration at your college, she not just enjoys the programs, but also get to know your friends at the college, and your teachers who take care of your academic progress.
So, what would you do to make your Mother’s Day Memorable?
This article for Mother’s Day celebrations in presented by ARMIET College providing the best engineering and technological education in Mumbai.