
6 Ways a Science Exhibition Rewards Your Curiosity

Remember the first time you unscrewed your electronic toy or a household equipment just to know how it worked? Though your parents might have scolded you for the endeavour, it indeed implied that you were curious. If an apple falling was what led Newton to discover gravity, we can surely say that we don’t have to wait until a necessity pops up to begin exploring possibilities through science.

Necessity might be the mother of invention. However, when experiments are driven by curiosity, every step towards accomplishment becomes immensely fulfilling!

An invention can be as simple as a system of pulleys making lifting loads easier. A simple rope passing through grooved wheels enables lifting heavier loads with reduced force by the principle of increasing distance. The use of pulleys is valuable even in the age of robots. In fact it shall remain valuable as long as it has purposes to serve. A science experiment doesn’t have to be path breaking. It should be valuable though.

At a number of science exhibitions organized across the country, talented students present some brilliantly stunning inventions. These inventions address problems that regular people might simply accept as an inevitable part of life. For instance, changing out-of-order light bulbs at home might require you to move some chairs to climb up to reach it. However, with the bulb remover designed by class 11 student Shweta Shama from Punjab, the task becomes easy. Her invention won her the prestigious IGNITE Award.

An award is not the only catch for which a talented science student should participate in a science exhibition. Here are a few more rewards that a science exhibition begets.

  1. Fostering Scientific Temper:

Science exhibition teaches you to look at an existing problem from a different perspective. If a layman is asked how to address the unavailability of electricity in a rural place, they may suggest taking the case to government authorities. On the other hand an individual who’s well versed with the science of generating electricity would suggest solutions ranging from stream-powered generators to solar panels satisfying the need. A science exhibition may serve as an opportunity to present a model of a solar-panel based power house for a village.

  1. Practical Applications of Theoretical Concepts:

While you would otherwise study the concepts included in your academic science syllabus with an aim of scoring well in exams, a science exhibition is the occasion when you get to present those concepts practically. The experience of participating in a science exhibition goes beyond the experience of conducting an experiment in a laboratory. At a science exhibition, you also elaborate on the scope of applying a particular concept to a real world problem. It helps you realise the value of your learning in real life.

  1. Developing Research Skills:

It takes a significant amount of research to develop a science project that can be presented in front of the learned jury members at a science exhibition. It involves thinking out of the box to begin with. You work with your teachers to develop ideas that would lead to exceptional projects. Once the idea is locked, you must read through extra-curricular resources to understand the finer aspects of your projects. The exercise helps you to develop the habit of learning better on your own.

  1. Working in Teams:

Most science exhibitions invite entries in teams of two or more participants. Working together with other individuals towards achieving common goals is a unique experience altogether. While you might have got along with your classmates or friends while spending leisure time, a science exhibition gives you an opportunity to come together to work. It involves several soft skills like collaborating, distributing work amongst yourselves and cheering and supporting each other as co-members of a team. These skills are highly valued in work environments.

  1. Communication Skills:

While developing a science project is a challenge in itself, presenting it is a part that involves overcoming communication hurdles like the fear of speaking in public. A science exhibition involves explaining your project to the visitors who might ask you their doubts and also share suggestions. Conversing with them over the topic will fill you with confidence. Students who frequently participate in science events and science fairs develop significant communication skills that help them in their professional careers too. For scientists to raise funds for their experiments, communication skills are crucial.

  1. Recognition:

You never know how path breaking your invention is until it is reviewed by a jury member who is acquainted with the current trends in the world of science. If your work turns out to be truly remarkable, it may earn you immense recognition among the best brains in the field. You might be offered an opportunity to learn at a reputable institute of science and technology, or may also get to collaborate with excellent people over important projects. One of the added benefits of performing exceptionally at a science exhibition is that your project might feature in a media report.

The world of science exhibitions is vast and highly competitive. It is the arena where sharpest of the scientific minds struggle to prove their mettle. The rewards are not only significant in the terms of cash prizes but also in the values they add to your personality. While success in academic education may make you eligible for an admission at a reputable institute, success at a science exhibition will just add another feather to your cap.

This article about the importance of participating in a science exhibition is presented by ARMIET Engineering College hosting its own intercollegiate and interschool science exhibition, SciParatus.

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