
3 Core Engineering Branches and Why To Choose Them

Choosing engineering as your career may not be so difficult if you are good at sciences and mathematics till your HSC level studies. The confusion begins when you look deeper into the specializations in engineering. While some students find success in deciding their specialization lot in advance, some may feel a little perplexed due to the minute differences between seemingly identical fields like Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Pursuing a career in the field of science and technology is challenging as well as exciting. It’s a great deal offering innovative solutions to real world problems. Choosing your engineering branch becomes easy once you have taken a stock of what interests you from among the technological endeavors of the modern world. However if you have simply been a scorer in sciences and don’t wish to part ways with the field of knowledge even after your high school, here’s a list of specializations that you must choose from to continue your pursuit.

Passionate about Infrastructure Designing?

Civil engineering is your specialization for graduation if you nurture an interest for designing and building things. While architecture is the field of knowledge that specifically deals with raising buildings for myriad purposes like residential, commercial or administrative use, civil engineering is about constructing large scale infrastructural amenities.

Civil engineers play key roles in accomplishing massive projects like nationwide transport systems, water supply networks and so on. Successful civil engineering candidates begin with general interests in fields like mechanics, hydraulics, geotechniques, material sciences and statistical analysis. As you advance in civil engineering, it leads you to exciting field specializations like computer aided design, structural engineering, architectural engineering, transport engineering, etc.

Specialize in the applications of electricity

The invention of electricity has accelerated the pace of human evolution since about two centuries. Electrical engineering has been one of the core fields in engineering studies alongside civil engineering and mechanical engineering. While electrical engineering mainly deals with the large scale production and supply of electric power, the sub-field of electronics eventually evolved focusing on much smaller electronic circuits like the ones used in computers.

Curiosity about how electrical devices and systems work leads candidates to score successfully in electrical and electronics engineering studies. The field equips candidates with the knowledge of establishing effective electrical systems for complicated projects like rail networks or region-wide electricity distribution networks. Candidates can later specialize in fields like power generation and supply, communication and media, computer systems and robotic systems.

A knack for Mechanical Systems

The field of mechanical engineering is for you if you have been someone who found solace in the company of mechanical devices. It is the oldest type of engineering and constitutes a vast field of knowledge. The stream has some deeply interesting strata of learning like study of statistics and dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, stress analysis, mechanical design and technical drawing


Studying mechanical engineering enables you to develop and improve mechanical technologies that would be the backbone of modern world industries. The field is closely associated with queries like sustainable energy and artificial intelligence. While it overlaps with several other types of engineering, it offers common specialization like manufacture, transportation systems, construction, nanotechnology and robotics. Mechatronics that combines the fundamentals of mechanical and electronics engineering, is a hot discussion is the present day.

While there are other engineering specializations like computer engineering and IT engineering that are highly preferred by candidates all over in India, the core fields of civil, electrical and mechanical studies simply refuse to give up their relevance. There are abundant job opportunities for candidates qualifying with these specializations. Most government jobs are available to students from these streams. With the advent of latest technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics, these fields have become just more accommodative.

If the fields of civil, electrical and mechanical engineering appeal to you, spend no more time on thinking more about it. If you are a 12th Science candidate with a competent score, you are eligible to study either of the courses. Apply right away while admission to the courses are still open according to DTE and ARA guidelines at few Engineering Colleges in Mumbai and start your journey towards a great career in engineering.

This article about the key highlights of the core engineering branches, namely civil, electrical and mechanical engineering, is presented by ARMIET Engineering College, recognized as the best Technical Education Institute in Western India.


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