Students are forbidden from ragging. Affected students must report all instances of ragging. They shall write a complaint & drop the letter into the Complaint Box kept in front of the Principal’s Office. Ragging is a serious criminal offence that involves severe punishment in the form of dismissal from the College and police action that can result in imprisonment.

Rules Regarding Attendance and Leave of Absence

1.         It shall be the duty of every student to attend classes regularly and punctually.

2.         No student shall absent himself/herself from any class without proper application for leave. Application for leave must be made beforehand in the prescribed form. If absence is necessitated by unforeseen circumstances, an application for leave must be submitted not later than the first day of his/her return to the college. Leave applied for in time will ordinarily be granted when proper reasons are given. In case of sickness exceeding five days, the HOD/Principal may demand a Medical Certificate in support thereof.

3.         Leave applications should be countersigned by parent or guardian.

4.         Leave applications should be submitted by students to their respective HODs.

5.         If a student absents himself/herself without informing of leave for a period of ten working days, he/she is liable to be taken off the rolls.

6.         A student must attend at least 75% of the working days to earn his/her term.

7.         A student’s attendance, his/her academic progress and conduct as assessed by the staff and the Principal will be the only consideration for promotion to the next academic year or selection for the University Examinations. The Principal may at his discretion require a student who does not show adequate progress in studies or who is irregular in attendance to withdraw from the college.

8.         Students, who represent the college at debates/seminars/cultural meets/sports/games and other extra-curricular activities like NCC, NSS etc.and will earn attendance when the deputations are properly authorized by the appropriate faculty-in-charge.