Prof. Ankit Suresh Sanghavi
Computer Engineering

DESIGNATION: HOD, Assistant Professor
AREA OF INTEREST : Image Processing, Augmented Reality; Block Chain Technology.
Prof. Ankit Suresh Sanghavi persuing his Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering Department from Pacific University, Udaipur and received M.E. Degree from Computer Science & Egineering Department, Mumbai University and B.Tech degree from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. He has authored many papers in International and National journals in the area of Artificial Neural Network, Data Mining etc. Nowadays his main research interest is Image Processing, Augmented Reality & Block Chain Technology.
“It is a pleasure to head the department of Computer Engineering. The department offers B.E. (CE) and M.E.(CE). The department has a team of experienced and motivated faculty members who are in process of tuning the young minds to make them globally competitive. The strength of the department is highly motivated students who understand the dynamics of the industry and upgrade their skills accordingly. The scope of computer Engineering is endless. The students of the computer engineering are highly demanded by the recruiters of the top companies. Depending upon the interest of the student, he/she may choose to go for higher studies or if employed can choose to do research, development, design, production, application, testing or management in the IT industry. In our department we not only give emphasis on study but also apply our knowledge in understanding what computers are, what is its architecture, how to efficiently program them, different tools to write an effective algorithm, the interface between the computer and the user, the computer graphics, computer networking, managing the software database, software engineering and testing them efficiently and more. Through innovative teaching-learning process a teamwork approach and leadership building experience, our students gain vital communication and critical-thinking skills. Our institution provides a platform for the students to enhance their employability skills through Industry Institute Collaboration.”

To become a meritorious branch of Computer Engineering for imparting high quality education and technical skills necessary for industrial needs and society
- To enhance career opportunities through project based learning and value added programs.
- To develop graduates for competitive examinations and inculcate entrepreneurial skills to acquire higher goals of excellence.
- To include professional behavior, ethical values and interdisciplinary research capabilities.

The concept of publication of this News Letter is to update the latest departmental activities related to our Students, Parents, Faculty and Industrial activities
Computer science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. Computer Engineers invent algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information and formulate suitable abstractions to model complex systems. Computer science has many sub-fields; some, such as computational complexity theory, study the properties of computational problems, while others, such as computer graphics, emphasize the computation of specific results. Still others focus on the challenges in implementing computations. For example, programming language theory studies approach to describe computations, while computer programming applies specific programming languages to solve specific computational problems, and human-computer interaction focuses on the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable, and universally accessible to humans.
The program Educational Objectives of the Computer Science & Engineering programme are designed to produce competent engineers who are ready to contribute effectively to the advancement of Computer Science & Engineering causes and to accommodate the needs of the profession.
The graduates shall:
- Apply analysis, design, optimization and implementation skills in order to formulate and solve Computer Science and Engineering and multidisciplinary problems
- Take up higher studies, research & development and other creative efforts in science & technology.
- Use their skills in an ethical & professional manner to raise the satisfaction level of stake holders.
Departmental Activities:
- STTP on emerging topics in Industry.
- Emerging Topic Seminar’s.
- Short Term Workshops with hands on Sessions.
- Communication Skill Development Programme.
- Expert Lectures for Broad Subjects.
- Student Personality Development Programme.
- Weekly Common Activity like Games, Quiz, Mock Interview etc.
- Value Added Programmes in Long and Short Format.
List of Laboratories:
- Software Lab
- Computer Programming Lab
- Computer Project Lab
- Object Oriented and Programming Lab
- Research Lab
- Database Lab
- AD and EDC Lab
- Advance Algorithm Analysis Lab
- Open Source Technology Lab
- Cyber Security Lab
- Operating System Lab
- Network Lab
- Microprocessor lab

Prof. Shital Sunil Agrawal
– BE CSE, ME CSE, PhD Pursuing
DESIGNATION: Assistant Professor
AREA OF INTEREST: Database Management System
Mr. Shital Sunil Agrawal is currently working as Assistant Professor and completed his B. E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from SGB Amravati University and M. E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from SGB Amravati University and Pursuing PhD from JJT University, Rajasthan. He has 09 years of teaching experience.
- PSO1 Use Mathematical Abstraction and Algorithmic design along with open source programming tools to solve complexities involved in programming.
- PSO2 Apply various programming skills to deliver innovative quality software products for the changing business need.
- PSO3 Utilize the skills of Data Analytics, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning to address technological challenges in multi-disciplinary Ares of engineering.